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汤圆创作签作:吾是季先生“花街柳巷”,这个地方,被女人们称之为肮脏,却被男人们奉之为天堂。他叫长生。因为他的阿娘只希望,他能够平平安安,在这乱世能够活下来。便取了这名字“长生”他是阿娘在青楼门口拾来的。于是,他从小便在这烟花柳巷之地长大。乱世之中,将军掌权,当今天子也有所忌惮,为了投其所好,他们将长生送给了将军。........【强势腹黑攻??柔糯白兔受】小虐,甜文?江贺承:初期纨绔子弟,暴力无常,视人命如草芥+++++++++++++++后期温柔傲娇,人帅,深藏不露,情场小白。长生:不谙世事,软糯善良,小哭包,脾气倔。 花街柳巷之续

才貌双全的苏宛白偶遇恶魔总裁慕容傲天,从此,两个人的生命纠缠在一起。一直以为,对他的感觉只有恨,可是不知道从为什么时候开始,她竟然发现自己渐渐爱上了他。表白的时刻就是分离的开始,她被无端卷入一场尘封已久的豪门恩怨中 恶魔总裁从天而降

浩瀚的宇宙中,有一颗如超巨星般巨大的机械行星,这颗行星的最高处坐着一名少女,少女怀抱着一名萝莉,她们身旁有一个蓝色的光屏展开,一串串代码在其上飞速掠过。两者的视线并没有放在那光屏上,而是一齐遥望天空中... 身为星舰的我与身为皇帝的她

First published in 1968, Desert Solitaire is one of Edward Abbey’s most critically acclaimed works and marks his first foray into the world of nonfiction writing. Written while Abbey was working as a ranger at Arches National Park outside of Moab, Utah, Desert Solitaire is a rare view of one man’s quest to experience nature in its purest form.Through prose that is by turns passionate and poetic, Abbey reflects on the condition of our remaining wilderness and the future of a civilization that cannot reconcile itself to living in the natural world as well as his own internal struggle with morality. As the world continues its rapid development, Abbey’s cry to maintain the natural beauty of the West remains just as relevant today as when this book was written. DesertSolitaire

宇宙无时无刻都在不断变化,星球毁灭,妻离子散,战争,这一切,在那浩瀚的宇宙中是那么普通,人们为何而争斗,神明又为何奴役他人,这是一个永恒的话题…… 如今,一位神秘的少年在无形之中踏上了这条永恒的旅途 散播千万亿分身穿越各宇宙只为找乐子

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