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《超级足球巨星》第186章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《超级足球巨星第186章》,请您 ,免费阅读:超级足球巨星第186章完整版全文。

Forced to accept the blame for a robbery, Melanie Grayshott's choices are limited--and she's desperate to hide from the police. When handsome and wealthy Vidas Loudaros offers her a chance to escape, she jumps at it.But Vidas' help comes at a price. He's willing to hide her on his opulent, private Greek island--but she must become his mistress. Vidas' dark, arrogant good looks are more than tempting--and his caresses set her blood on fire. But can Melanie truly surrender to a man who demands she trade her innocence for his protection? TheDawnIsGolden

他是神秘的大人物,商政两界、黑白两道,见了他都要礼让三分,而她只是进贡的低溅女.奴。幽暗的房间,高大的男人尊贵得好似神祗,他冷冷睥睨着她,薄唇轻启:\"签下它,一年时间,只要你生下孩子,那就还你自由。\"\"...好!\"她唯唯诺诺在契约书上签下自己的名字,一笔一划,她都写得格外小心与谨慎。 夺情契约邪恶总裁虐宠情人

此文由旧号拖至此重新更新——以上文案待补。 [死神+网王]浅夏正传

李枫丹带着《遗落神族》中的最终boss【血隐】,穿越到游戏世界当中。对他而言,这个世界并不是那么陌生。那么,他能否利用自己的优势,如愿以偿,重返巅峰呢?看李枫丹一步步升级修炼,迈上《化神》之路! 化神

一个毕业了好几个月,的大学生没有找到工作,但被他的警察哥哥,安排了一份神社的工作,然后在途中,不小心打开了狐妖的封印 被病娇的狐妖小姐留住了

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