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在这个充满欲望的社会。。。 在这个心中有阴暗角落的社会。。。 在这个普通人看不到,却有一群传说中的生物。。。 当人类的欲望和阴暗跟传说的生物结合而成的怪物。。。 。。。。。 有这么一群人,他们肩负着守护并培养与之对抗的使命。。。 在这沉浮的世界,他们会演绎出什么故事呢。。。 玄之魂

未来世界超级军委特工,因任务身首异处。醒来后成为丞相府被弃庶女,从此再不能众星捧月。从小生活在男人堆里,不懂男女之事,感情迟钝。却在频频无意间,总是撩到美男。乾陵国权倾朝野的摄政王,江湖上闻风丧胆的武林盟主,嗜血、霸道、我行我素,俊美到人神共愤,却过不了 摄政王的俏毒妃

若干年前梁西王朝的一场内乱,使得其分裂为渭泤和江域两个国家,自此之后,两国边境溧水常年交战不断…… 秦七七是渭泤国秦国公府的大小姐,一场偶然的邂逅使得她结识了风度翩翩的佳公子上官宇,并情愫暗生。而此时,秦家卷入了一场政治风暴中,为了保全秦国公府,秦七七不得不嫁与当朝太子南宫轩,而此时上官宇也成为秦七七的长兄秦以铭大将军的帐下谋士,江域大军压境,一场阴谋正在上演,秦七七的情感归宿终将何处,南宫与公皙皇族之间有何不可告人的往事…… 月如钩

所有的繁华后面,都隐藏着灭世的危险。正如“你的岁月静好,是因为有人负重前行”一样,站在灿烂的土地上,抬头遥望星空,那里是否藏着让我们畏惧的力量?末日降临,不是天灾,而是人祸。当全球物种沦为修真界的灵石培养皿,古星的未来在何方?一个文文弱弱的小女人,只知道相夫教子、岁月静好。当拯救全球物种的重担,压在她肩上时,是选择崩溃,还是勇往直前?阅读提示:本文是以末日为大背景的修真文,欢迎一起走进面临灭世危机的大世界。 末日冰心

Brilliant 22 year old FBI intern Riley Paige struggles to decode the riddles of the sadistic serial killer dubbed by media as the “clown killer”—but finds it all becomes too personal when she herself, targeted, is in a battle for her life.Recent college graduate Riley Paige is accepted into the prestigious FBI summer internship program, and is determined to make a name for herself. Exposed to many departments of the FBI, she thinks it will be a quiet summer—until a serial killer holds Washington by suspense. Dubbed the “clown killer,” he dressed and paints his victims as clowns, and mocks the FBI with tantalizing riddles in the media. He leaves everyone to wonder: is he a clown himself?It seems that only Riley has the mind brilliant enough to decode the answers. And yet the journey into this killer’s mind is too dark—and the battle too personal—for Riley to come out unscathed. Can she win this deadly game of cat and mouse? Waiting

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