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《妃常霸宠:夫君,睡够没!》第118章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《妃常霸宠:夫君,睡够没!第118章》,请您 ,免费阅读:妃常霸宠:夫君,睡够没!第118章完整版全文。

一次醉酒找卫生间的途中,她强行被人拉入包厢,紧接着一把邪魅的声音传来,“我被人下了药,只要你满足我,日后你想要什么我都会给你!”她本不想追究那个毁了她清白的人,谁料罪魁祸首却自己找上了门,摆出一副救世主的模样——“夏小姐,与其寄人篱下,倒不如跟了我,如何?”“可你不是只爱男人吗?跟了你,不就等于日后我要跟其他男人争风吃醋?”“夏小姐,我是不是爱男人,现在就可以让你亲身体验一回!” 爱劫难逃新妻离婚无效

*(实体稿修订中,进度关注围脖@一只绿药)她是名动京城第一美人,家族一朝落势,罢爵抄家。未来婆家得宫中指点,将她扔给她未婚夫将死的五叔——那个大姬王朝名声最臭的半死男人。只待五爷咽了气,令她陪葬,一了百了。曾嫉妒顾见骊钱权脸的人,如今搓着手等看好戏,她们等啊等,等啊等……一直等到跪在顾见骊脚边,连直视她的资格都没有。而那个狠毒乖戾的男人立在她身侧,于万人之上予她唯一的尊宠。【神经病男主×美炸天女主,1v1,he,婚后日常系】(作者专栏求收藏咪咪啾~√微博@一只绿药)—————————— 给前任他叔冲喜

“呐呐,您是不是把敌敌畏当可乐把您那八毛钱十二斤的脑袋喝秀逗了?” “看到了你,咱突然就明白了毕加索是个怎么样的存在。” “你还没有进化完全,长的像人真的难为你了。” “咱不是草船,你的‘箭’不要往咱... 这位人间至屑竟然是狐族圣女?

Ladies and gentlemen, do you know who am I? If you don’t know me, you can go to the hospital! Yes! I am the superkid ——008!Everyone know about me ,because I saved princess long long ago ,when I was teenager ,when I listened to Jay’s songs ……when I was handsome !……“Oh! What should I do? I’m so boring now! My dear dog, can you tell me?” I said to my dog, but my dog did nothing. It was eating its lunch.“Oh! My dog! I gave you a name called ‘Tomato ',because you are red .But your brain is a real tomato ——have nothing in it !”I said. But something different was happened suddenly! My foolish dog began to talk with me!“No! 008!I’m a superdog. Before I met you, I lived above the sky! Then a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN told me that I should give you a mission when you have 7stars on you feet.” I raise my smelly feet and discovered there were 7black points on my smelly feet. “It is the time to tell you the truth! You have to saved princess in Dark Castle immediately. It’s your mission. And I’ll help you, I can change in anything I like!” Soon my dog became a potato .I knew ,I must trust it at that time ——It’s a super dog ! ——I have a super dog !Then my dear dog Tomato told me that when I went to Dark Castle .I‘ll met a lot of monsters. And I must win them .At last, saved the BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS. And if I can do it I‘ll have something surprising and exciting.So I went to Dark Castle with my Tomato .And Tomato gave me a sword ,a shield and a pair of flying shoes.(I don’t know what shall I say now ,but I know something will be interesting next !I promise! I believe! So let’s read this interesting story together .To see what will happen next? And what about the dog, Tomato?! Next, we’ll tell you something about THE DRAGON AND 008!) By Ada TheAdventuresOfSuperkid

日常之一:志村团子慷慨激昂:有光的地方就有暗!吾是木叶的根,是村子黑暗的化身!但吾的信念——守护木叶!是永远也不会改变的!……一番演讲后负责忍校入学审核的老师纷纷感动的热泪盈眶,不约而同的忽略了这个孩子奇怪的自称。多么高的觉悟啊!满分!这样的孩子必须通过!这个孩子!将会是木叶的良心啊!简单介绍:挂逼的忍界征途,涉及元素有杰克苏,龙傲天,砍怪,多账户的烧操作。主角是精神病,是真的。不是团藏性转,是外甥女哒!cp未定,配角栏不用看瞎写的,也有可能正文无准cp,随意入股啊。 (火影)颤抖吧忍界

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