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一个是现代的女大学生,一个是古代的年轻帝王,是谁入了谁的梦中,纠缠出一段旷世情缘? 穿越之后的女主角,如何在已知结局的情况下,做出正确的抉择?而所谓的正确,又是否违背了自己的心? \"我成全了历史,历史是否也能够成全我?\"...... ——【臭臭旗下作者出品】 穿越之福临第一宠

尽管说太多有点俗气, 但是你可不可以成为我的baby 可不可以啊

贺以添因同学聚会而与林童有了一面之缘,本没有任何交集的两人因为一场事故而在彼此的世界里留下了种子 缘深

Tom Angleberger flexes his comic and literary muscle in this clever, slapstick farce in which regular kid Lenny Flem, Jr., is the only thing standing between his evil genius friend Casper, a master of disguise and hypnosis and world domination.It all begins when Casper spends a vast sum on a spectacular fake mustache, the Heidelberg Handlebar #7, at Sven's Fair Price Store. With it he's able to rob banks and fool an unsuspecting populace into electing him mayor. Is Lenny the only one who can see through his disguise? FakeMustache

一场末日的呼啸降临,阴差阳错的尸化复生,混入人类大本营,不为别的,只要吃饱,已身为丧尸失去作为人类记忆的他,在遇到另一个男子后,一点点找回记忆,后发现男子竟然与已死去了的自己有着千丝万缕的点滴,那么,等待他的,是再次厮杀,还是从头再来? 究极尸化

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